
Reigen Arataka

Founded by WORLD RENOWNED psychic Reigen Arataka, Spirits & Such is the PREMIERE consulting service for all things paranormal AND MORE. With our diligent team of PROFESSIONALLY TRAINED espers, led by the STAR PSYCHIC OF THE 21ST CENTURY HIMSELF (Reigen Arataka), Spirits & Such is the one consulting firm equipped to handle all of your needs!

This website is a part of the Mastodon instance ESPER.LOL, an instance themed off of Mob Psycho 100. You can learn more about the instance HERE. I do not take credit for any images or themeing on this website, all work was done originally on SPIRITSANDSUCH.COM but the website has been down for some years now so I grabbed everything from a waybackmachine snapshot, I simply put everything together again. I hope this little website gave you some joy and if interested consider joining the instance! You can visit the full version on the waybackmachine HERE

CONTACT: hello [@] spiritsandsuch.lol.

ALERTS: View website status at status.esper.lol.

This website was originally created by Chris Brailsford, His personal website can be found at cabrailsford.com I do not take credit for any of the assets on spiritsandsuch.lol.